I want to live in a world where periods are…
I want to live in a world where there is complete understanding and acceptance by everyone that periods are a healthy, natural part of being a woman. That means embracing this normal bodily function as a part of who we are. Accepting that women are cyclical beings who experience the life and death cycle every month as a natural part of life.
I want to live in a world where women and menstruators are respected as an equal member of society when they are menstruating. That means those who do not menstruate may not understand what it is like, but they don’t shame or judge those that do as less-than in any way. And likewise, those who do menstruate respect themselves enough to listen to their own body and not feel fear, shame or embarrassment to ask for what they need.
I want to live in a world where women understand how their period connects them more to themselves and other women. That means listening to our own body and how it is communicating with us all the time, and especially on our period. When we connect with ourselves as women, we innately connect with other women. And there we find wisdom, compassion and support.
I want to live in a world where everyone stands in solidarity with menstruators; empathetic and supportive - we are not alone. Imagine how many menstruators are menstruating right now!
I want to live in a world where there is open communication especially amongst women to young girls about the truths of womanhood, included but not limited to our periods. Communicating not just what womanhood is, but what womanhood is LIKE. All the messy, uncomfortable truths.
I want to live in a world where women remember and share the wisdom of their bodies. Our wombs carry the secret to creating life in any form.
I want to live in a world where women are celebrated for every phase of womanhood, especially their period. From a first period, pregnancy, motherhood, to entering menopause, every stage of womanhood is worthy of celebration.
I want to live in a world where menstruators are unapologetic for who they are. No more are we embarrassed and ashamed for menstruating. We accept and own our bodies' natural processes.
Do you want to live in this world, too? There are so many ways you can get involved:
Join us with conversational clothing and buy yourself or a loved one a Normalize the Period sweatshirt. Don’t forget that $1 from every product purchased goes towards a re-education program for young girls.
Join the Free the Womb Facebook group and get actively involved in ‘how’ we change the conversation to be one of more acceptance & inclusion.
Tag us in any posts that raise awareness for important women’s issues, we’re here to spread the word, together.
Author Christy Guyer, Founder of Normalize the Period