What People Are Saying About Normalize the Period
Launching a movement as big and bold as Normalize the Period is exciting and terrifying! I am often head-down in the nitty gritty of running a business, barely coming up for air most days. But when I do peek my head up, I am humbled by the overwhelming support and efforts taking place in this multifaceted movement and just how far we have come in a very short period of time.
I want to share with you what those who are working closely with this project are saying and why they are doing what they do to support this important movement.
Normalize the Period Project Team:
“I said YES to being a part of the Normalize the Period project for so many reasons. The first being the PASSION Christy has for this project. Her energy and excitement left no doubt in my mind that this was going to be successful. Another reason I said yes to this project is my background. I teach kids of all ages and I know that struggle they have with their period and how much dislike there is around it. I see an opportunity with Normalize the Period to change the way young girls and women think, speak and act around their period. I am so happy to be a part of something BIGGER and working on this project fulfills that for me! - Jenna Bill, Graphic Design/Ecommerce Development
“I’m very passionate about linguistics. I'm fascinated by the words we use and the ways in which we can develop limiting beliefs with them. When Christy came to me with Normalize the Period and wanting to craft a message that encourages women to be empowered about who they are naturally, I couldn’t think of anything more exciting and important to do. Whether it’s being ridiculed for taking a day off when cramps are unbearable, or the sheer panic and embarrassment of unexpectedly needing to ask a stranger for a tampon or pad, we’ve all been there. For most women there are too many embarrassing encounters to count. That’s why the thought of changing the way we talk about periods to a message of compassion and inclusion, instead of fear and separation is so enticing & inspiring to me, it means that we can make sure ALL women feel all powerful at all times. Thank you Christy for asking me to be a part of something that could truly change the world for the better.” Sophie Elliott, Creative Director
“For me, the reason I am excited to be part of Normalize the Period’s team is because:
1. The mission is BIG and audacious. It takes on the world of stubborn resistance to the gentle power of women and says, let’s change that.
2. It is a mission that universally impacts women and is uniquely felt in each one, and
3. You can see the impact of the shift in one person…that it has mattered and shifted their life for the positive moving us all toward:
4. World Peace. When listening to half of the world’s population, acknowledging their struggle and partnering with others, one at a time, the world becomes a more peaceful and understanding place.
Finally, I believe there is a space for joy and playfulness in this conversation that will move it forward in a way that only conversation and education cannot. Let’s make a game.” -Jean Berry, Game Inventor
“I’m lit up about helping your world impact because I want you personally to realize your soul-calling! And I love your big vision that is your soul calling! I love empowering others - and believe that we all are meant to thrive, live freely, and not have to feel ashamed - especially not of what’s natural and part of our growth! Because of the deeper spiritual empowerment behind your vision - that it’s about much more than not being ashamed. It’s about recognizing and awakening the divinity in ourselves. I’m all about women empowerment (and others too :))” - Astrid Mueller, Game Designer
Hearts of Gold Charitable Foundation Partners:
“Saying yes to working with Normalize the Period on a charity project was an absolute no brainer. After working with women and girls previously through workshops and programs it was crystal clear that the conversation around how we talk to girls about their bodies and periods is antiquated at best and damaging at its worst. Taking a positive and healing perspective when it comes to talking to girls about this important coming of age milestone sets them up for success and empowerment into the future. Something I believe all women everywhere can support and stand behind.” -Natasha Verkley, Executive Director
“When I was invited to be a part of this project, I began to remember the first steps towards my intimate connection with my menstrual cycle. I think it was one of the first steps I took towards a healthier and more mindful life. I never imagined that I could have such a powerful connection and healing through acknowledging all the phases of my cycle and I also never thought I would become so passionate about this topic, never even thought about sharing all this knowledge with other women. This has been a beautiful and inspirational journey for me and it is such a pleasure to just share all this transformation and healing with all women. Upon receiving this beautiful news to be part of Normalize the Period, I feel that I have a great opportunity, since not only women must know about their own bodies to empower themselves, but it is a topic that must also reach girls and adolescents. I think that by recognizing these feminine gifts since we are young we have the chance to navigate the deep waters of our wombs so then we can claim all our talents and gifts from the sacred feminine to share them with the world.” -Gabriela Pinos Faccin, Program Manager
Normalize the Period Ambassadors:
“I’m honored to be part of the Normalize movement, an inspirational and eye-opening experience! I know that other women will feel the same. My daughter and I are grateful for the safe and open space that Christy, my friend and founder of Normalize the Period, created for all women to share personal experiences, ask questions and support each other without shame. My daughter and I are closer from working with Christy on Normalize and it’s a comfort to know this resource is out there.” - Samina Ali
“Normalize the Period brought back memories of when I first got my period and had not been told about what it was and how to prepare for that day. I freaked out when I saw blood and called my cousin. She simply said, “Oh you have your period, put one of these on” and handed me a pad. When I heard of Normalize the Period I thought, it would have been nice to have known what to expect and know that the rest of the women around me would experience the same thing. We should educate young girls and let them know it is just another wonderful part of being a girl in the world. I also have three sweet little girls in my life and I want to express to them that a period is a normal thing and they should embrace it rather than fear it or feel embarrassed by it. I had not really given this subject much thought until I heard about Normalize the Period. I realized that it is extremely important to have this talk before it’s too late and the taboo cycle repeats itself.” -Leila Russell
“The Normalize the Period movement is something I’m so honored to witness. The movement is bringing new levels of self-love to young women and girls. It is absolutely time to rid the world of body shame and especially that associated with the rites of womanhood. Normalize the Period pushes us further into womanhood revolution than ever before.” -Jenna Allin
We are even getting rave reviews about our product. Here are a few testimonials.
Normalize the Period Product Testimonials:
“The hoodie and leggings fit exactly how I like! I’m definitely going to be living in that hoodie, so cozy and soft. The design of the leggings looks so incredible and that fabric, so smooth. Love love love!”
“I love the material and thickness...very warm and sizing is right on. It’s awesome, the design is super cool and I like the separate pockets instead of a kangaroo pocket.”
“The design is RAD! This is the coolest way I’ve seen conversational fashion done! Not to mention it’s the second softest thing I own (after the Normalize blanket!)”
“Normalize the Period graphics are very cool and the quality of the product is top notch. Sizing is spot on and it washes perfectly. I have washed my hoodie a few times and the graphic held its color and the hoodie kept its shape and size. Two thumbs up all around.”
There are so many ways you can get involved:
Join us with conversational clothing and buy yourself or a loved one a Normalize the Period sweatshirt. Don’t forget that $1 from every product purchased goes towards a re-education program for young girls.
Join the Free the Womb Facebook group and get actively involved in ‘how’ we change the conversation to be one of more acceptance & inclusion.
Tag us in any posts that raise awareness for important women’s issues, we’re here to spread the word, together.
Author Christy Guyer, Founder of Normalize the Period