Girl Power Looks Like: Raising $1500 to Re-educate & Empower Young Women!

We are so excited to announce that we have reached the first milestone for our young women’s re-education program in Ecuador.

Where it all began: When two become one.

Earlier this year Normalize the Period teamed up with Ecuador based foundation Hearts of Gold to create something very special; a project designed to educate & empower young women called ‘Periods are the Heart’ to Womanhood or PATH to Womanhood.

The idea we had is to create a project designed to empower and educate young women about what to expect as they journey into womanhood. Not only the physical attributes, but emotional, mental, societal, etc. a full holistic approach to all of it.

Who do we think we are? Very lucky to have such superstars alongside us. Let’s meet them.

None of this would have been possible without our partnership with HoG, we are so deeply grateful to have the opportunity to give back through them in this manner.” - Christy Guyer, Normalize the Period Founder.

Hearts of Gold is a charitable foundation dedicated to partnering with local grassroots organizations and their leaders, to empower their impact through access to education & resources. 

As some of you may know, Normalize the Period is a conversational clothing brand that we launched on May 13, 2021.  Our mission is to change the current dynamic of women feeling alone and embarrassed about their periods, or any taboo topic associated with the womb for that matter! We want women to feel comfortable enough to ask questions freely, have open conversations with one another and own every single aspect of being a woman.  That’s why we decided right at the very beginning to donate $1 from every Normalize the Period product purchased and make sure it goes towards creating an education program for young girls that explains, honors and celebrates every part of their natural cycles.

The nature of the PATH to Womanhood project is to work together to remessage the period with excitement, curiosity and anticipation and remove the shock, shame, and embarrassment often felt by young women when it comes to menstruation. The aim is to cultivate an interest in learning and celebrating monthly cycles, so that every young woman can have a deep and holistic understanding of what to expect.

Stop right now, let us say thank you very much to everyone who made this idea come to life.

Our first project goal was to get the PATH to Womanhood project created, with a funding target of $1500.. We are so pleased and proud to announce that through generous donations made directly to the project as well as products purchased from the Normalize the Period shop , that in only 6 weeks we have exceeded the entire $1500.

We can’t express our gratitude enough to the amazing supporters of Normalize the Period, to everyone who bought, donated, or simply helped make this campaign more visible on social media, your generosity and devotion to helping us  change this conversation is beyond beautiful.  Now that the program creation is funded, we are excited to begin our next goal to raise money for young girls to attend the program.  

Want to get involved? Shop Normalize the Period products, $1 from every product you buy funds our Path to Womanhood education program, or donate directly to the Path to Womanhood program here.

Author - Christy Guyer member of Normalize the Period team.


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